
Archive for the ‘A skeptical mind’ Category

The umbrella man

August 3, 2012 2 comments

“Learning of the existence of the umbrella man made him speculate that in historical research, there may be a dimension similar to the quantum dimension in physical reality.”

A a short documentary from The New York Times:

Categories: A skeptical mind Tags:

Terry Pratchett on conspiracy theories

February 25, 2012 Leave a comment

I love Terry Pratchett’s books, and while reading Thud! I came across the following dialogue, between two of the characters, which is a wonderful critique of conspiracy theory thinking:

Like it was haunted, Dave said. He said the government hushed it up.”

“Yeah, but your mate Dave says the government always hushes things up, Nobby,” said Fred.

“Well, they do.”

“Except he always gets to hear about ’em, and he never gets hushed up,” said Fred.

“I know you like to point the finger of scoff, Sarge, but there’s a lot goes on that we don’t know about.”

“Like what, exactly?” Colon retorted. “Name me one thing that’s going on that you don’t know about. There- you can’t, can you?”